About This Blog

Every week I will be reviewing one movie that I have recently watched and feel that it should be brought out to the world. These movies will likely be ones that are not mainstream or huge box office smashes, but ones that prove their existence within the cinematic world. All opinions are of my own and have no intellectual background to support it other than I have a degree in Marketing, which doesn't mean s*** when it comes to movie reviews. So sit back, relax the mind, and indulge in some interesting beef as this Mc sets upon a journey through the reels.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Kevo Makes His Return...

That's right, I'm baaaaack! 

I took a break from my posts hoping to hear the internet go apeshit that I, Kevo, would take a break from writing. The same way that many artists do, such as David Bowie who uncharacteristically ended his career early before he hit major fame, only to be launched to the top after he came back from hiatus. It's a strategy that people use to gain popularity, and I was ready for it. After waiting for the uproar of the news and people's response, I came upon a realization. Wait for it.....

No one gave a shit.

Well that's the life of an unknown, under qualified, no talent clown who has absolutely no credentials to merit fame. Think of me as the male version of Kim Kardashian, but with a sex video no one would watch.

I don't know how long I'll be writing this time. Before I stopped, I had a good run. I have to credit my brother Tim for always posting my articles on facebook and having a good laugh at them. He always wanted to know when the next post would come out. Thanks brosif, you kept it going.

Tonight, there was no particular "a-ha" moment that made me want to get back into writing about movies. In fact, I've seen more movies and news after my last post that would have made a great read. As a matter of fact, lets review some of the major cinematic highlights since my last post, January 2011...

The Planet of the Apes goes back to its origins with new films
X-Men makes a comeback with a movie about its origins
Spiderman recaptures audiences by remaking it's origin film, only 10 years later...
Superman is redone, again, to do an origin movie....

Wait, I'm sensing a theme here. Lots of origin stories about our favorite characters. Lightbulb. Here's an idea. Everyone seems to love origin movies. Also, biblical movies seem to do well if done right (Passion of the Christ, Noah, Ten Commandments). Why not a movie about Adam and Eve? AN ORIGIN MOVIE ABOUT EARTH! Is that stupid, or just so damn smart no one has thought of it? I'll choose the latter.

You know what HAS happened since 2011 that should have happened a LONG time ago? Gary Oldman FINALLY gets an Oscar Nomination!!!!! YEEEEESSSS! Finally!!!

But he lost.

WELCOME BACK. Cue the music!